Sunday, April 22, 2007

this is hilarious.

a couple of days back, yuhang ellery and i went t coldstorage.

and we saw britney's YOUNGer brother! he hardly looks like her, i swear.

and her pretty dog! just that it got mashed up, some how. :/

so we were going on about how we could make our chicken rice taste really good. and we decided the best way would be t

yes spam garlic!

spam spam spam. then we got tired from all the spamming.

so we all decided t do pull ups!

BUT WE COULDN'T. which is why we became all

yeah, we went all emo. =(
(yimoo pantyliners, the one and only. :D)

butbut, there's no need t worry, for we had a secret weapon.

pull-ups training pants! just wear them, and pull-ups are not a problem. :D

but due t all the muscle building during training, like any other superhero we became..

the mighty maids. :D

so one day as we were making our rounds saving people, i passed a room.

there were two people inside.

one guy was speaking italian (i had no idea what he was mumbling)

and the other was a chinese girl.

suddenly, the chinese blushed. WHY?!

with hypersuperintergalacticbrainwaves i found out the answer. cause she saw the..

fancy changing his clothes in front of her, really.

on a more serious note.

DEATH NOTE! hahaha.

death's serious enough, eh.

i miss you so much. a self inflicted coma.
lyrics this may be. but truth it is, t me.


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