
Its perpetually impossible t keep up with optimism, for the very fact that it kills you, just knowing you have t rely on it t make yourself feel that teeny wince better(which is, unfortunately, often short lived). Optimism really, merely sets the stage for greater disappointment and that in a sense, makes pessimism a terribly better choice when it comes down t options for perception. I'd like t think that a happy person is often self deceived, because there is, with all due respect, little or no happiness to speak of, but purely 'ideas' of happiness based on personal definitions.
Then again, on a more enigmatic note, what in the steaming world is happiness?
Studies, my love,
oh yes im coming for you.
and note,
Its a little more than just the sky im aiming for;
if you realise, for the sky isn't any brighter than cold, hard floor.
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