Wednesday, November 16, 2005

the family equation.

's been a really really long time since i've last blogged. hmm been really bored and all. so much to the extent of typo-nomphia. an enomophia term for not being able to type nor blog properly. which is kinda sad actually. haha. anyway, we'll be flying off to hongkong in like a couple of hours, bout let's say, eight. yup. so here to blog for one last time before i leave.

today was really a stupid day and all. spent the past two weeks slacking at home. rarely going out. besides the other daily visit to the vice principal in school. which really sucked, to tell the truth. i feel so......... restricted. controlled, rather. about what i should do everyday. argh nevermind. yeah so today i was slacking again. playing comp games most of the time. then there was tv. and tuition. right. guess what, my day ends. just like that.

hmm anyway, was thinking that i would really rather parents who wouldnt care so much and give me more money instead. rather than caring so much to the extent it becomes irksome. which really is right now. ahh was actually talking on msn with mag about how irritating parents could be when i suddenly came up with a simple family equation. haha it sorta goes like this.

more love = more nagging
more nagging = more quarrels
more quarrels = no more love

simple. right?

more money = more things bought
more things bought = more things you own
more things you own = more happy
more happy = more love

absolutely fascinating. proved. LHS=RHS.

i dont really desire for much parental love. what i need is less restrains. more freedom.
haha. and gavin, our ear piercing bond is still valid. let's do it when i come back =)

hell to world peace. i need some of my own.


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