house of sand and fog

lies a future of infinite possibilities
of dreams, of hopes, of life; Of home.
Was yesterday home alone; one of the rare exceptions where everyone, even the maid, was out. Took it t myself t do something productive- grabbed the towel, the keys and headed downstairs.
The pool was inviting -naturally- and i couldn't stand another minute of the windy chill (the weather was surprisingly cold given the intensity of the sun). *splash of water* Amidst the occassional strokes of aquatic movements, a thought struck me of what would be something of immense hilarity- i played dead. For a minute and a half i was cut off from oxygen, floating like a corpse, in the most literal context possible. Even then i was almost out of breath (for i didnt take a full gulp of air). That was when a man, or a lady (i couldnt tell then) tried t grab me t shore and a terrible case of resuscitation action ensued. The man, i later found out, was so strong, he practically strangled me while getting me on shore, which of course led t my further lack of breath; he tried t perform a mouth t mouth. Of all creepy crawlies and supernatural fiends i could not imagine, even for a second, how it felt like t kiss a guy. Luckily for me i regained composure and coughed water -where the water came from i had not the faintest idea- and there was about half a dozen people standing around me; it was a terribly awkward moment. I burst out laughing, for the weirdest reason somewhat, followed by resounding echoes of delight from the six individuals who were still looking at me with much interest.
Crazy sunday. Oh, and i didn't attend school today- im sick. Get well soon, myself, for the doctors can't save me now. I'm too tired t reply Grace- sorry you, will do so, as soon as possible.
Again, one of those insane prepositions of the motion 'life don't exist' ... this house believes that life is nothing more than a fleeting entity, pass it will, in a blink of an eye; but wait, isn't that of contradictory conjunction- that it does exist?
Labels: awkward-moments, goals, happiness
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