Some strength, that's all it takes.

Of lightyear speeds,
of heightened leaps;
too fast for me t grasp,
too high for me t have-
but held it, i did,
that, remarkable feat.
and i'm glad it happened, somehow,
for sweetheart, it's all okay now.
Terribly busy week.
Making through these wasn't easy: Getting caught for inappropriate attire in the morning, the wakeboarding sessions, the rain, horrible emcee-ship, stage frights, rehearsals, awful blazers- but i got through that. Half the time was of dread, swearwords and memory; the other half, of excitement, anticipation, and insanity. When light blares upon you, amidst the bright-dark visual readjustments, faces form -in multiples of hundreds- and pupils dilate, heartbeat doubles. Not quite the adrenaline rush, not quite the nervous fuss; more of unexplainable, more of unforgettable. The experience -not fame, not pride, not the necessity of acceding t requests- i later realised, was all i was up there for. The possibly once-in-a-lifetime, intangible experience.
Loved yesterday.
Went back t KongHwa Primary, after close t half a decade, i suspect, and i wish i had gone back earlier. The place brought back memories; more so than anywhere else, with all extents of truth as proof. With almost every step i took, i felt as though i was retracing my steps; the life i once had lived, the place i had once stepped into, every single day. Reminisce struck further when i found out my former primary teacher was still working in the premises. Maybe it was a stroke of luck, or maybe it was god's will; i managed t climb t the fourth floor, without being stopped or questioned by any operation personnel where i soon met her, -still looking as kind and demure- Mrs Sandra Lim. She turned t me, and asked me, "Yes?" Clearly, she didn't recognise me. It was perhaps disappointment or just a certain loss of identity that made my heart sank, but when i told her my name my heart went back up the right direction. The following moments were occupied by courtesy and laughter- the usual things asked when two individuals meet after a long separation. It was different, speaking t her now, like an adult, and it was obvious -through her evidently older complexion- that she saw me too, no longer as the kid i once was.
It was only then i realised how much i actually miss this place, amongst all its unhappiness and cruel memories; they were the gradual factors that made me, me. The school- i later found out- was scheduled t be torn down next year to be rebuilt. The impromptu decision t go back this year turned out t be of bliss and perhaps a little coincidence; i'd have never been able t feel this way if i went back any later, for the school i knew it for, would no longer be there. And that, i have someone t thank, for without, i would never have gotten near the area in the first place. Thank you. ^_^
Everything after that, was close t perfection.
Labels: happiness., reminiscence, satisfaction, school.
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