For all students;

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I t be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not t be?
All of us- from external appearance t superior social status- are incapable of escaping the immutable law of inferior complexity. We correlate ourselves with someone else, usually in possession of qualities most of us refer t as better 'standards', like the hot Zach Effron- his sharp features matched with a nice bod, or like Angelina Jolie- her sassy curves, with those thick, succulent lips. We read fashion magazines, visit forums, purchase posters- and make the obverse comparisons. We laugh at our thighs, at our stupidity, at our lack of success. We elevate the confidence of others, and through so, we extenuate that of ours. All our lives, we strive t be someone else we are not, and by doing so, we gradually lose ourselves.
Are all these- superficial, pessimistic perceptions that make you feel terrible about yourself- worth it?
In truth,
We are beautiful.
We are intelligent.
We are brilliant.
We can be just as perfect as anyone else, in our own individualistic way. Selling a cup of lemonade for its retail price, is as much an entrepreneurial success as starting your own business. Just that slight deference in mindset could change your countenance; mould that frown into a smile, that dejection into confidence.
So why belittle yourself?
Don't, because we're all amazing people.
P.S. This post goes out t all who feels they lack the ability t score well for the promotional exams. You're wrong. Because you can. Good luck.
Labels: confidence, inspiration, studies
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