Your mind, a funny thing.

Like the sun;
a rise or a set-
that's just your myopic perception.
If the sun never sets,
how then, if i may ask,
does it rise?
The stern definition of what's good and what's bad- that in itself, revolves around the subject of controversy. There is- in my book of facts- no clear distinction between good or bad; it is a mere image which society wants you t perceive, a norm that has been socially accepted for so long, it seems silly t even question it's authenticity. But is it true, really?
That's the question.
You struck lottery- that's a good thing, isn't it?
(Society wants you t think it's a good thing- how else do they get you t buy the tickets)
But... what about greed?
What about being 'down t earth'?
What about the belittlement of the importance of hard work?
What about the notion of 'easy money'?
Now that's bad, isn't it?
So, do you still call it a good thing?
Yes, you do.
Because you've won the lottery, God damn it, who complains when they win lottery; there's nothing bad in getting more money, is there?
But there is.
There is.
That's the thing, see.
Everyone knows (or they think they do) that there're pros and cons in everything that happens t us. We define something t be good, when it's pros over weighs it's cons, and vice versa, for something bad.
That's it.
That's the particular 'weighing process' that discerns one individual's claim from another.
The process that explains why your mom thinks football is stupid when you clearly don't;
why your school sets regulations about your skirt when you find it utterly silly.
So, there really isn't a clear cut definition.
Good, Bad.
It's all in your head.
Up there.
Taking that everything above is accurate (however minutely possible that might be), and that your mind defines what's good and what's bad, then for that and that alone, I choose optimism, where everything (no matter how terrible) is good eventually. Shit's not getting me down; for
'What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.'
The last time i checked, I'm still alive.
Labels: awareness, life, understanding
hey. i'm just a random girl passing by, so you dont know me. but nevertheless i think your posts are really insightful. keep it up. (:
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