
My heart and my soul
I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord, let justice and praise
become my embrace
t love You from the inside out
Was previously at a crossroad- that internal struggle between my personal ideas and God's will, something which i had so painstakingly accumulated over the years, only t hand it over t God, and trust that He knows what's the best for us- what's best, for me. All this while I've just been a Pseudo-Christian; merely by name, someone who goes t church, says grace, prays, but lives in contrary t God's will. This church camp has changed my life, in ways more than one. Of which I'm glad. Someone once very aptly put that fear is the inability of being in control- of situations, of people, of things- and i think that's essentially what fear is all about. Of not being in control. I used t think that it was impossible, for me t let someone else take over the reigns of my life. Why invite fear into your life? I want t be in control of my life, for it gives me self assurance, and the notion that i am the master of myself and i alone have the mandatory power t choose how i want my life t be led. But then i ask myself, Why do i want t control? What makes me think i have control? If we didn't create ourselves, who did? Our parents? And who created their parents? If i dont have control, who does, and should i fear that being? In my opinion, any kind of fear essentially boils down t my own pride and desire for autonomy- self government. The fact that I've come t realise that autonomy is a mere illusion frees me fully from all these fears... and that's because i believe He who has control over my life does not wish t hurt me, but heal me and protect me, even in the midst of difficult and trying times. (Hebrews 11:1 ) Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. And with that faith i can fully hand myself over t Him. And with that faith- however minute it may be- i can do everything.