Thursday, January 31, 2008


I dont want t post this.

I wish t stop blogging, as i already have- for more than a month now.

But other than God, this is the only place i can settle my emotions in- my thoughts, my feelings, my struggles- there's no one else t talk t. Or rather no one i can open my heart t. Perhaps, not even you.

There lies the irony- the publicity of a blog, and the secrecy of my thoughts.

And this is where i realise how solitudinous i am. People- they're all around me. Friends- they're great company, but the baring of heart and soul- Sorry, i cant do it. Even as of now as i hear the incessant sounds of the keyboard around me in this computer hub, the soft humming of the antiquated air condition- i feel all alone.

For what i've read and for what it's worth- I'm sorry. For now i know it's me you hate- subtle, faint, but that's what i'll take.

God help me. Help you hate me.

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