it might have been.

Picture this:
You saunter down orchard boulevard, taking a slight halt at the junction. You're at a technical crossroad; will it be left, or right? Amidst what some people would refer t as decision making, you caught eye of a girl, merely steps away from you. You looked at her; she glanced back. It could be the terrible sweatshirt you're wearing, but it didn't occur t you then. There was a momentary pause, the mercurial pace of the city didnt stop- she stopped, and so did you. It was almost like a telepathic recognition; beyond the superficiality of appearance and wit; the possible intersection of the lives of two strangers- friends rather, who merely just didnt quite know each other t begin with.
But time, being its transient self, forbids the lingering of such a moment. The green man(along with its flashing indication) you soon discover the unknowing movement of your feet- and that that moment, is gone. You could have done something, something that would reflect less on your idiocy and possibly more on your reflex. But no, you let it pass. You start t think t yourself, what if i had stopped? what if i had said something- anything? what if?
You dont get that circadianly in a lifetime, probably only a couple-